Product Idea |

Clown Lodge


What is your wish?

I found a magic lamp, a genie came out and asked me for 3 wishes, for the first, i wished for 100 supports, i was granted, for my second wish, i wished for 1000 supports! Let's hope...


One, two, three and... a hundred!

We are almost there! Almost...


Achille prepares for his show!

I tried to make a short video to present my project to you, please be indulgent, i am only an amateur 😁, i hope you will like it! 🎈


50 supports and 58 days left!

Tank you all for your support! This is my best start for a project 😊! Objective 100 supports! I hope to get there before 58 days 😆. A short video will arrive for the next update 🎈🎈🎈

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