Product Idea |

Tiki Banana Hut


Your project has expired.

We're really sorry to share that your LEGO® Ideas project didn't reach its supporter milestone before running out of time. Here at LEGO Ideas, we know you had high hopes for your project and put a lot of effort into it, and we understand this can be disappointing. If you still care a lot about this particular project, you're always welcome to submit it again and start over.

We hope you continue submitting projects and hope you have better success next time!

Second Notice

It looks like you've re-submitted your project without making the changes we requested. In our prior message, we kindly asked you to:

  • Please re-take your photos. Your project’s photos should be crisp and clear, not too dark, bright, grainy, or blurry. Look out for background clutter (we encourage plain, neutral backgrounds), and be sure to frame your model well within your images.
  • Please frame your main cover image so that it shows your entire LEGO model.
  • Please properly capitalize your title and description. Your project title and description text should be clearly understood and in proper case. You may not use ALL CAPS, all lowercase, MiXEd cAsE, txtspeak, ch4tsp34k, heavy punctuation!!!!!!!, etc.

Unfortunately we can't approve your project until you do these things. For reference, please see the Project Guidelines and House Rules.

Kind regards,

LEGO® Ideas Team

Your project needs work before we approve it.

Thanks for sharing your LEGO idea with us! Unfortunately your project doesn't meet our Quality Standards, so we hope you give it your best effort to make it better.

Check out this video for project quality tips and carefully read and fix the items we mention below. If you follow our Guidelines and suggestions below before re-submitting, we’re more likely to publish your project and you can start gathering supporters.

Before you re-submit your project, please fix the things we mention below. If you re-submit without meeting our Quality Standards, we'll send it back to you again.

  • Please re-take your photos. Your project’s photos should be crisp and clear, not too dark, bright, grainy, or blurry. Look out for background clutter (we encourage plain, neutral backgrounds), and be sure to frame your model well within your images.
  • Please frame your main cover image so that it shows your entire LEGO model.
  • Please properly capitalize your title and description. Your project title and description text should be clearly understood and in proper case. You may not use ALL CAPS, all lowercase, MiXEd cAsE, txtspeak, ch4tsp34k, heavy punctuation!!!!!!!, etc.
  • Your project has too short of a description. As a minimum your project description should have at least 1-2 full paragraphs, in which you describe 1) Your model (what it is), 2) Why you built it, and 3) Why you believe it would make a great LEGO set.

Unfortunately we can't give you more personalized advice because we receive so many submissions. To see the level of quality we're looking for, check out the most supported projects or the past Staff Picks for inspiration.

LEGO® Ideas Team

Last Chance! Please correct your project or we'll remove it.

Dear legodud9898,

We’ve noticed that you have submitted the same project multiple times, without making the changes we asked for in our earlier comments. Unfortunately if you submit your project again without changing it to fit our requests, our moderation team will delete your project and you’ll need to start over. 

Before you submit your project again, please read our earlier comments carefully, and make the changes we ask for, so that your project fits our Project Guidelines and House Rules. There might be cases where we can't approve your project at all, for example projects that contain inappropriate content, or references to movies, TV shows, or other licenses we don’t find appropriate for the LEGO brand.

Submitting projects that don’t fit the Guidelines multiple times isn’t fair to other LEGO Ideas members or our moderators because it takes time away from helping people who do follow the Guidelines.

Please refer to our earlier comments (below) for the changes you need to make to your project before you resubmit it. Again, if you submit your project again without changing it to fit our requests, our moderation team will delete your project and you’ll need to start over. 

Thanks for understanding, and kind regards,

LEGO Ideas Team

LEGO® Ideas

Second Notice

It looks like you've re-submitted your project without making the changes we requested. In our prior message, we kindly asked you to:

  • Please re-take your photos. Your project’s photos should be crisp and clear, not too dark, bright, grainy, or blurry. Look out for background clutter (we encourage plain, neutral backgrounds), and be sure to frame your model well within your images.
  • Please properly capitalize your title and description. Your project title and description text should be clearly understood and in proper case. You may not use ALL CAPS, all lowercase, MiXEd cAsE, txtspeak, ch4tsp34k, heavy punctuation!!!!!!!, etc.

Unfortunately we can't approve your project until you do these things. For reference, please see the Project Guidelines and House Rules.

Kind regards,

LEGO® Ideas Team

Your project needs work before we approve it.

Thanks for sharing your LEGO idea with us! Unfortunately your project doesn't meet our Quality Standards, so we hope you give it your best effort to make it better.

Check out this video for project quality tips and carefully read and fix the items we mention below. If you follow our Guidelines and suggestions below before re-submitting, we’re more likely to publish your project and you can start gathering supporters.

Before you re-submit your project, please fix the things we mention below. If you re-submit without meeting our Quality Standards, we'll send it back to you again.

  • Please re-take your photos. Your project’s photos should be crisp and clear, not too dark, bright, grainy, or blurry. Look out for background clutter (we encourage plain, neutral backgrounds), and be sure to frame your model well within your images.
  • Please properly capitalize your title and description. Your project title and description text should be clearly understood and in proper case. You may not use ALL CAPS, all lowercase, MiXEd cAsE, txtspeak, ch4tsp34k, heavy punctuation!!!!!!!, etc.

Unfortunately we can't give you more personalized advice because we receive so many submissions. To see the level of quality we're looking for, check out the most supported projects or the past Staff Picks for inspiration.

LEGO® Ideas Team

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