Product Idea |

Space Black : A New Lego Theme.

Space Black theme ships were inspired by the classic Lego Space.

I've recently been building up my own theme of 'Space Black' ships.

The spirit of 'Space Black' is summed up:-

1. Functional interiors, ships that look like they could be flown.

2. Sleek designs, with little to no stud showing, at least top-down.

3. A uniformity of components which allows purchasers to combine sets to make their own cohesive designs easily.

See mroe example pictures on my blog at : -

One of the aims of SPACE : BLACK is to create and support a vibrant community of model builders. As well as designing the sets so there is a certain uniformity of style, colour and components - to make combing sets to bigger models easier - there should be heavy integration with social networking - like Cuusoo.

Part of this could be a 'LEGO SPACE : BLACK ' MOC of the Month' ' - with a prize of a bag of SPACE : BLACK parts to the winner.

To aid builders there should be a theme in LDD specifically for Space Black, which allows you to enter the sets you have and the quantities of them, then the brick pallet would reflect the parts you have available.

The winner could be chosen on how many 'Likes' a model gets.

There could even be a 'LEGO : SPACE BLACK - MOC of the Year' with the winning MOC being made into a limited edition purchaseable set.

Lots of people want to build huge space-ships, but the one-hit cost of massive capital ships would be huge. Lego : SPACE BLACK would allow people build up their collection gradually to be able to make huge ships. Builders could share instructions for their sets online, which also include a list of individual components and the sets you have to own to be able to build it.

Stats update : 31-01-2012
Views : 186
Supporters : 3
So support ratio = approx 1.7%

So we need something like 1,000,000 views.... hmmm, not very realistic :(

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