Product Idea |

The Cigale


"Do you know what I don't like about trains? They are fated to follow the same path over and over, without ever adventuring into the unknown. I'm gonna fix that with a bit of gadgetry and magic!" — Count Ikazayim, Tinkering Sorcerer

This was my only submission to the "Ultimate Trains!" contest on Rebrick last year. Even if it didn't won, I still love the design I came up with, so now I'm putting it on LEGO Ideas to check what you good people think of it!

The idea behind it was to build a train (a tram, actually) that breaks the mold of what a train (tram) should look/do. I searched for inspiration in one of my greatest passions, Studio Ghibli's movies! Try reading the name of the Tinkering Sorcerer backwards! ;)

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