Product Idea |

1969 Austin Healey Sprite


New changes and improvements

As you can see if you look at the old and new photos, I have made several changes to the front that i feel looks a Million times better than its old look. As we continue towards 10,000 supporters i continue to thank the current 425 people that have gone out of their way to support and help this project become a reality. Regardless of whether or not I reach 10,000, I will always be grateful for those that took me as far as they could.

Sincerely, GingeySnep


I have updated the trunk and hood.

I continue to update and improve this project and to occasionally further perfect this build, I thank you all that are supporting me, and if you aren't I sure hope that you will consider supporting my idea. I will be forever be thankful for your support regardless of the outcome of this project. Any how here is the photo, I plan on releasing a Gif or video in the future!!! TO 10,000!!!

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