Product Idea |

Airplane With Tons of Features!

I made a LEGO airplane that portrays the aerodynamically elements of a real plane.
First, let’s talk about the wings. There are flaps, ground spoilers, ground spoilers, engines (which can be spun by hand), ailerons, slats, and reverse thrust functions. 
There are also aerodynamical elements on the back of the plane because there are elevators and the rudder.
The body has a removable roof that reveals a decorated interior. From the minifigure’s perspective, they walk through the functioning door and walk across the plane to their seats and the lavatory. For the flight crew, there is a cockpit and drawers for food in the back of the plane.
Finally, at the bottom of the plane, are retractable landing gear.
Other notable facts about the plane are that is is 45 cm long, 47 cm wide, and 30 cm tall, and also can have a max angle attack of about 23 degrees.
I enjoyed making this plane and I hope you do to!

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