Hi guys,
this time I present you another double deck train. This set has 2954 bricks.
in this set are 1 locomotive, BR 111 and 3 coaches, one 1st claas, one 2nd claas and the last one DBpbzf 765.5 with control cab. (4th picture)
A little story: At one day I saw that the interior isn't perfect, so I made a new one and thought I could save some bricks but NO, at the end (45min) it has the same ammount of bricks then before, but it looks better now.
Before you ask: My trains can't be motorized. If you tring to do so it's going to take you your life. I tried it myself on my IC 2 and it took me 3 days to even think of how to do it and doing so took another 3-4 days. :) Everything was done in LDD.
Don't worry: I colored the windows lightgrey to save a lot of time in the rendering process, if I wouldn't do that, it takes about 20 hours and if I do like this it just takes 1 hour.