Product Idea |

Spaceman Sam's Space Fighter


Hi, everybody!

This is a spaceship that I designed for my character, Spaceman Sam. Sam is kind of like an intergalactic  Lone Ranger. He flies around the universe, helping those in need. He wears a special body suit that can protect him from most weapons and makes him stronger than most men, but not to a superhuman level.

The space fighter is made of Vaxilom, a rare and nearly indestructible metal, and is equipped with two heavy laser cannons on the end of the wings and one heavy rotating laser turret on top. It's fueled by an Rn-2 Fusion Reactor, and has a Quantum X-7 Hyperdrive (Both models are he best currently on the intergalactic market.) It's also equipped with Sam's custom built matter transferring device which allows him to enter and exit his ship at a moment's notice without having to wait for the airlock.

The model features a removable top, Sam's pilot seat and controls, as well as a place for him to hang his space helmet. For the final product I would suggest more interior design, especially of the matter transferring device which is built into the wall at the back of the ship. Please forgive the fact that the ship's walls have so many holes in them. Those were the only pieces I had and I'm sure LEGO will fix the problem.

I had a lot of fun designing this project. I hope you like it!

While you're here, please check out my other projects.

Also be sure to check out some of my other favorites:

Pirates - POTC Flying Dutchman

Magic School Bus

Iron Man - Monte Carlo Attack


Don Quijote de la Mancha: This project is based on a hilarious scene from the Spanish classic. Whether you are familiar with the book or not, I encourage you to support it. All of your Spanish and Latin friends will thank you!


Thank you for your support from infinity and beyond! Have a great day!



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