Product Idea |

The Sailors' Discovery

This is probably one of my favorite models I made and I hope that you enjoy it as well!

The Story Behind "The Sailors' Discovery"

Back in 1645, off of the cost of Scotland, there was a sea battle between pirates and Scottish sailors who were seeking revenge . With good reason too, for these pirates had been robbing merchants for the last several years. The Scottish sailors succeeded in sinking their opponent's ship. But, just as it was sinking a pirate escaped with a boat full of stolen treasure and managed to reach land. He then lived the rest of his days in an island cave with his precious treasure before dying of his battle wounds.

Three hundred years later, when two sailors were exploring the region that was said to have been where the sea battle took place, they found an island cave ,which, as they soon discovered, contained the pirate's old treasure!

Model Details

The island was built on a 24 x 24 stud base plate. I'm not sure, but I think that the piece count is somewhere between three hundred and a thousand.😆

That's about it. Thanks for reading!

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