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SHERLOCK HOLMES: 221B Baker Street Home

Do you have a great mindset and ability to solve cases like the world's most famous detective of legend - Sherlock Holmes? 

Concept & Design
I designed “SHERLOCK HOLMES: 221B Baker Street” with approximately 1,482 LEGO bricks for celebrating Sherlock Holmes Day on May 22. It's also a day to appreciate Doyle's literary contributions and the timeless legacy of Sherlock Holmes, whose adventures continue to captivate readers and audiences around the world. 

In my model, I tried to frame a big picture of the house's entry with a large-scale door and window. I used the white tile elements to build the exterior wall and installed two classic outdoor pendant-hanging light fixtures on two sides at the front door. I used all the black elements for the door and frame door. Moreover, I had a wooden plate house number on the above arch frame. There are two flower pots placed in front of the house for decoration. One interesting thing is we can explore the big door by opening and closing feels like a real door in the movie.

Besides, I created a small scene using three main color elements: tan, red-brown, and dark green to help set the mood and atmosphere of the detective story. This scene shows Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson discussing the mysterious case in the 221B House. Holmes is standing and analyzing the case near the window. Watson is sitting on the armchair and trying to find meticulously new clues from old files. I also designed some pieces of furniture to highlight the scene. My favorite part of the model is the little fireplace at the scene. It is kind of a central feature in architectural design for centuries, evolving alongside architectural styles and reflecting the technological advancements and cultural preferences of their time. I tried to build very simple with Art Deco fireplaces characterized by geometric shapes, bold colors, and luxurious materials. That's why I tried to give a new form to this design by shifting the "hedonism" and "culturalism" rather than creativity.

Absolutely, it's a very interesting design. I would say that this would make a great LEGO set in the future because I believe that this model has wonderful architectural styles in England and emphasizes popular detective TV series for every era.

Sherlock Holmes is a world-renowned detective and is considered a mystery-solving icon. His deductive reasoning, keen observation skills, and unique personality have made him a timeless icon loved by millions around the globe. It's remarkable how his character continues to inspire new generations of fans, showcasing the enduring appeal of his adventures and mysteries. A day dedicated to celebrating Sherlock Holmes is a fitting tribute to his significant impact on literature and popular culture. Cheers to the great detective on his special day!

The influences behind Sherlock Holmes are fascinating, and it's remarkable how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle drew from real-life individuals like Joseph Bell and Francis "Tanky" Smith to create such an enduring character. The keen observational skills and deductive reasoning attributed to Holmes are reflective of the qualities Doyle admired in his colleagues.
The dynamic between Holmes and Watson, with Watson serving as the loyal friend and chronicler of Holmes's adventures, adds depth to the stories and contributes to their enduring popularity. Characters like Mycroft Holmes and Professor Moriarty further enrich the world of Sherlock Holmes, providing intriguing contrasts to the detective himself.

Sherlock Holmes Day Timeline
1887: Sherlock Holmes was born in the mind of Scottish writer Arthur Conan Doyle, and his first appearance in the story "A Study in Scarlet," which was published in Beeton's Christmas Annual in 1887.
  • First Sherlock Holmes film is released 
1916: This first representation of the detective on film is a silent film that comes out of Chicago, USA.
  • Final Sherlock Holmes book by Doyle is published
1927: May 22 is proposed as Sherlock Holmes Day by the Sherlock Holmes Society of London, to celebrate the anniversary of the first publication of "A Study in Scarlet." The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes contains twelve stories and would become Arthur Conan Doyle’s final iteration of the character.
  • Sherlock Holmes being Darling of the Public
1930s - 1940s: Sherlock Holmes becomes a more popular character in film adaptations, portrayed by actors like Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce.
2009: "Sherlock" indeed became a sensation with Benedict Cumberbatch's portrayal of the iconic detective Sherlock Holmes. The show aired on BBC One in the UK, and later on PBS in the US. It runs until 2017.
  • Sherlock Holmes Day
2013: The first officially recognized Sherlock Holmes Day is celebrated, coinciding with the birthday of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Throughout the Years: Sherlock Holmes Day continues to be celebrated by fans around the world through various activities such as readings, film screenings, discussions, and themed events.
Present Day: Sherlock Holmes remains a beloved and enduring figure in literature and popular culture, with his legacy celebrated annually on Sherlock Holmes Day.

Hope you like my idea!

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