Product Idea |

Vive Le Rococo!

Hi there, I am Anikó from Budapest, Hungary.

My love for LEGO began when I was a little girl and has persisted until now. Even though there was a period where I held myself back because I thought it was a childish hobby. Then I realized my mistake and have thrown myself back into building, even becoming a member of a LEGO user group. A friend from the group suggested I try my luck here and share a scene I built two years ago.

I am a big fan of Rococo, an ornate and playful artistic and architectural style that emerged in France in the early 18th century and spread throughout Europe. I incorporated Rococo motifs such as flowers, and curves into my LEGO creation. However, I also wanted to show the dark side of the lavish lifestyle associated with Rococo. Back then hygiene was not what it is today, and I represented this by adding two rats to my scene.

Update #1

  • Thank you so much for all your supports and for your kind comments!
  • Based on the idea, the famous collectible Rococo Aristocrat minifigure from Lego can finally also enjoy her lavish social life with her dogs ;)

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