Product Idea |

A Weights Room


Over 200 supporters !

Thank you very much in all your supports.

I work at the moment on a very big project of a different theme, I hope that you will appreciate him as this one.

King of Brick.


Over 150 supporters !

Thank you so much for all of your supports ! 

That tempts me to continue to post new projects ! 

Mister Brick.



A Draw Bar

Here is the draw bar that I added to this set.
I hope that she will please you.

Thank you ! 

Mister Brick 


Over 50 supporters !

One very thank you in all my supporters !
If this project really pleases you, do not hesitate to indicate him to me in comments, it will encourage me even more to create projects of the same type.

I shall add in a new update a complement to this project !

Mister Brick.

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