Product Idea |

Micro Medieval Mansion

Some time ago I connected the parts of the river and brought a little more green into play. So it looks more lively.

At the moment I am planning to build the floor in such a way that all four parts can be placed separately from each other.

Old Post.

This is a medieval landscape on a micro scale. I think micro models are still far too rare and show the true size of Lego by combining small details in such a way that an overall picture only emerges over time. A small, big art. I also love this scenery and the possibilities that arise when you fantasize about time. The model is not necessarily true to the original, but there are wonderful opportunities to rave about, combine and complement.
If you want, you could design the 4 elements so that they can be freely combined via a pin (similar to the houses). Especially since the size in the pictures is unfortunately not particularly suitable for everyday use.
I am thinking of a combination of the houses already mentioned and the pixel art pictures with the Beatles and Co. Why shouldn't you give people a freely modifiable landscape with rough ideas and one or the other instructions, such as how to do the Mountain or build the castle. You can think of everything else for yourself.
So everyone becomes his own creator, ruler and lord of the lens.

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