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Zelda Board Game


Hi lego fans, this is my new project, the Lego Zelda Board Game, wich is not based of any existing project! So I will explain with all details the operation of this game.

  • 3-4 players
  • 25 lego parts with : 5 islands, 20 water parts
  • 4 mini lego ships with 3 adventurier ships and 1 pirat ship
  • 1 lego base ( grey plate 32*32)
  • 30 cards

The goal of the game : Be the first to find out where the treasure is hidden. You have to find the suspect, his equipment and the island where the Treasure is hidden.

But du jeu : Soyer le premier à trouver ou est caché le trésor. Tu dois trouver celui qui a caché le trésor, l'objet que celui-ci porte et le lieu de la cachette (l'île).

At first all the players begin at the corner of the game board, like this :

The first player begin, he rolls the die: 

  • If it is  "+1" : he can forward one square
  • If it is "+2" : he can forward two squares
  • If it is  "Pirat" : he can forward the pirat ship one or two squares
  • If it is  "Card" : he can pick a card in the deck
  • If it is "-" : he had to pass the turn.
  • If it is  "Change" : he can change one part with another part like thisNow, I have to present you the different cards of this game.

  • accessories
  • Island's cards

  • Figures

  • Other cards

At the beginning of the game one person have to take three cards of the deck (one island card, one accessory card, one figure card).

Each turn you collect 20 lego coins. At the beginning nobody has an island, but if you win an island card you can go to this island, in order to win lego coins. In this game you have to find the three hidden cards, in order to win the game!

  1. If a player meets the pirat ship he has to give one of his card to another player. 
  2. If a player has 200 coins he can take a card of the deck.

Please show your support and share the project with your friends and family! If you like this, please support this project!



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