Product Idea |

The Settlers of Catan


Simplified Board

Okay, Everyone!

I want to extend my gratitude to all the recent supporters of this project! Here's a simplified version of the game board that cuts down on the number of parts dramtically. The total for this one is 1248 parts.

As always, the Studio files are free to download from this link.

Also, more images can be found on my Flickr page, here.


5-6 Player Expansion

Hi Everyone,

I want to thank you all for supporting LEGO Catan so far. I'm amazed that we have over 500 supporters and counting!

Just for fun, here's an image of the 5-6 player expansion pack for the game!


As always, the Studio files are free to download from this link:

Also, more images can be found on my Flickr page:



Card Dispenser

As you may know, the standard Catan game has 25 development cards (5 VP cards, 14 Knight cards, 2 monopoly cards, 2 year of plenty, 2 road building). Even with cards only 2 plates thick, a stack of all 25 cards is a bit unstable. Therefore, I have added this card dispenser to keep the development cards from getting too cumbersome.

Also, check out my Flickr page for more photos and LDD files.

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