Time's Up!
As many other projects, this one also falls victim to the deadline, and with just hours left, I would like to take the time to thank everyone for supporting my Tropical Beach Hut project. I appreciate everyone's support and comments. I learned a lot from the Lego Ideas process. Who knows, it may yet again become a project if I can increase it's appeal with some further improvements.
I meant to finish the Lego Digital Designer file before the time expired on the project, but I failed to finish it in time. However, the Lego Digital Designer file will be uploaded to my MOCs on Rebrickable.com site for you to download.
Look for the LDD file here: https://rebrickable.com/profile/Miro/mocs (I will upload it in coming days)
You may also post messages on this dedicated Flickr page for this project here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/miro78/23733096213/ after this project expires.
A final Mahalo and Aloha to you all!
Tropical Beach Hut on public display
The Tropical Beach Hut is on public display at San Diego Model Railroad Museum in Balboa Park through January 10th, 2015. For directions and information go here: http://www.sdmrm.org/
And to make it fit with the railroad theme, I had a Lego son and dad build some sand sculptures, including a train. :)
Below are photos from the display and this link for higher resolution photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/miro78/sets/72157645258208000/
Blog appeal
Thank you for your support. Blogged by
The Brothers Brick
The Brickverse
GlenBricker's Review
For additional pictures, you may browse on my Flickr page