Product Idea |

Supermarket & Hardware Store


Checkout Update

I updated the checkouts again and I feel happier with this version.


Update time !

I have made changes today including a new service deli counter.

I hope this continues to gain support.

Brick On everyone ! 


Now here's a thought.

Some people might not be huge fans of stickers, so what if the supermarket side was fused with (hardware store - rural) and maybe (post office) as well. 

And hey presto, a general store not relying on stickers to sell the effect of fully stock shelves and stack of merchandise.

Just thought.


Oh, wow it's over a hundred supports !

So cool everyone that this has hit 101 supports, thank you to the supporters and followers.

Keep watching and please keep supporting, the more the better for Lego City !

Brick On everyone ! 


Something fresh will be coming.

On the drawing board will be shortly a building which would normally sit across from a store like this, a drapery store.

You know the kind that sell bedding, clothing, etc., soft goods which you don't find in a hardware store.

Keep watching because I start on building it within two weeks.

And please any suggestions for this design (supermarket/hardware store) still feel to post them in the comments section, thanks.

Brick On and Keep Watching ! 


Does anyone have any suggestions ?

I'm always looking for ideas to improve this creation, so suggest away !


Thanks for the first 50 supports.

Thank you to the first 50 to support my project here on Ideas.

Now I forgot to add some overhead shots which I have posted now,

Keep watching & Brick On !


More close up and interior photos.

Hopefully you can see more detailing both brick-built and stickered.


New pictures.

Finally I added minifigs and more fruit to the fruit & veg department.


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