Product Idea |

The Grand Joust

"Her ye, her ye. Do you have what it takes to win the joust? Choose between one of the six knights and begin."

The Build

The Build consists of two towers connected by a bridge to be able to over look the match. Then there is the field. The field has some temporary fencing and seating in place to watch the joust. And to keep people safe. And then there are the weapons racks to hold the knights weapons and shields. The build style inspired by set 10223 and set 31120.

Built this submission with the idea of having a great jousting set. Great fun set for people to pick up a minifigure and a horse able to play a jousting set. Would also make a good display piece.

Piece count: roughly 1390

The Minifigures

Lion Knight King
Lion Knight Princess
Lion Knight
Black Falcon Knight
Dragon Master/Knight
Fright Knight

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