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M:Tron Lunar Mining Colony


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The M:Tron Faction
Known for their expertise with search, rescue and repair operations; their highly advanced technology that they employed was coveted amongst the other space factions. At one point the Blacktron faction were caught trying to steal tech from M:Tron no doubt to reverse-engineer and create tech with devious purposes. Little is known about the M:Tron faction but I can tell you from personal experience that they were far more advanced in Mining than any other of their known skill sets.

The citizens of the M:Tron faction collectively became obsessed with the neon crystals that could be found throughout the galaxy they lived in. They developed many machines to be deployed in search of the illustrious neon green material yielded from the crystals. You may have noticed that during their appearance in the Lego world; that many of the spacecrafts throughout the terrestrial space faction used the neon green material for many purposes. This material had great structural integrity although being transparent like glass. Sure the neon green glow is appealing to the eye, but it could withstand the harsh environments of deep space and the extreme weather conditions of both magma and ice worlds that were explored.

They set up many moon-based colonies to search, extract, and refine the neon green crystalline material and through their efforts they were greatly rewarded financially.

The M:Tron Lunar Mining Colony
It was strange to see that although the M:Tron faction were so technologically advanced, it seemed as though they did not construct bases of operation. That was far from the truth, in fact the M:Tron space engineers used their skills to construct massive bases of operation especially for the purposes of mining the neon green crystalline material they became obsessed with. From their bases the crystals would be mined, ground, polished and shipped off to the space ports for trade or to be forwarded to other colonies to be used in the construction of new equipment. They employed their magnet technologies to construct bi-rail trains that glided with ease upon magnetic tracks, and they had all sorts of vehicles and spacecraft to transport citizens, mining equipment, and green neon crystalline material with.

M:Tron Hangar Facility
The main hub of the colony, this pyramid shaped facility houses the bi-rail train carrier on its ground level with a functional hangar door that open and closes. In its mid section the bi-rail station can be found and is the final stop. This is a convenient location for M:Tron colonists to travel to in order to safely get to a train carrier or take the elevator up to the small spacecraft launch pads. At the very top of the pyramid is a control tower to help guide all spacecrafts to and from the colonies 3 launchpads.

M:Tron Bi-Rail System
The Bi-rail system uses 'magnetic' rails that the train rests upon. Using reverse polarities between train and rail, the operator can travel to essential locations within the colony, or transfer off the bi-rail at a transfer station, onto a train carrier. Located at various points on the track are turn terminals, that turn the train to a different direction. The train can also use the train lift to enter the diamond shaped Colonist Arcology.

M:Tron Grind compound
At the grind compound crystals are brought and dropped into the grinder where they come out at 1x1 plates still rough with a knob. They are very hot when they come out, due to the heat generated from the grinding. The lunar surface is very cold however, and by the time the workers move the plates to the polisher they have cooled down enough and are ready to be polished. The polisher removes the knob from the plate and then we get the final product, a 1x1 tile. These tiles are then collected in Bins and transported to the Spacebus launchpad.

M:Tron Spacebus and Spacebus Launchpad
If you are a crystal then the launch is the last location you enter before being transported off world and to a far away spaceport to be traded are used in manufacturing process. At the launchpads bins of crystalline tiles are stored and await the M:tron Spacebus to come and pick them up for transport. This is also a location the colonists can use to leave the colony and travel off world.

M:Tron Train Transfer Station and Train Carrier
The train transfer station is used by the train to leave the bi-rail system and load onto a train carrier. This transports colonists to various parts of the colony or lunar surface that cannot be travelled to via bi-rail. Although taking a small spacecraft is far faster it can be a bit safer to take a train carrier for every-day trips throughout the colony or lunar surface.

M:Tron Arcology
The city within the colony, the M:Tron arcology is a diamond shaped structure elevated high above the lunar surface. This elevation helps colonists stay out of the environment away from the lunar surface which has many hazards some alien and some environment related. The arcology is accessed by bi-rail; and has a train lift elevator to deliver colonists to and from essential points within the colony. Within the city stores, schools, a medical center, and various recreation rooms can be found as well as homes for the colonists.

I hope you have learned a lot about the life of an M:Tron colonist, but you can definitely learn a lot more if you support this idea and it becomes a product you can take home and explore further. Enjoy!

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