Product Idea |

Toy Shop

Hey all!

May I present to you my Lego Toy Shop! In Malta (the country where I live) there aren't any Lego stores, so I'm used to buying Lego from regular toy shops. I've built this so I can bring back my old memories of being in a toy shop and because I've never built one before.

When you enter this shop, you'll feel amazed by the variety of products. I've included some toy cars and boats, outdoor equipment, some Lego sets by the wall (my favourite part), a few girly costumes, Nerf guns, some Ninjago ninja hoods, a bicycle, and well, explore the rest on your own! I've made glass windows on the outside to capture the feeling of looking inside (just like the minifig if doing).

The set includes four minifigs - a woman and three kids.

I hope you enjoyed your tour around my Toy Shop. Thank you for stopping by.

Take care,


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