Product Idea |

Myths & Legends of Cheshire, England


Jaguar's Head

For some reason, my last update does not show the image of the jaguar's head that I built, so I shall try to upload it again...


The Spirit of the Jaguar

As a random aside, I thought about the dichotomy of attitudes to ferocious beasts, from ancient times to modern.  Of course, when our ancestors were surrounded by such animals, and lacked the security provided by modern buildings and medical knowledge, they had a very different approach to dealing with their four-legged neighbours.  Regardless, I thought it an interesting thought that two neighbouring villages, both now suburbs of the hugely-expanded city of Chester, should be famed for opposite ends of this scale: Moston remains famous for the story of how one of their leading citizens slew a dragon; Upton is renowned as the home of the UK's second-largest zoo.  Chester Zoo, beloved of millions of visitors and a leading centre for breeding & species' survival, was opened in 1931 and is a modern-style zoological garden with wide open-spaces for the animals.

A suitable image that I thought would go well on my Cheshire Map is that of a jaguar's head, representing the "Spirit of the Jaguar" exhibition at the zoo.  It is a wonderful complex, with all sorts of information on the myths and facts that surround these magnificent creatures.  It is, as might be expected, sponsored by the Jaguar Land Rover car firm, which has  a plant nearby at Halewood in Liverpool.

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