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Gecko Dioramas

The model consists of three separate dioramas, each with its own unique gecko figure and smaller bug figure. Each of the three dioramas fits inside a 11 by 6 inch footprint (roughly 35 by 6 inches total when all three are placed end to end), and height varies per model, although none are taller than 5.5 inches. Each one of the geckos themselves measure roughly the same at about 8.5 inches long, and roughly 4 inches wide.

Crested Gecko (Correlophus ciliatus): Crested geckos (also known as eyelash or New Caledonian geckos) originate from the tropical island of New Caledonia, located off the eastern seaboard of Australia. They are popular pets due to their easy going nature and because they are quite simple to take care of. They are named after their peculiar crests (and "eye lashes") which are actually two rows of spines (the pokey kind not the bone kind) that run across the tops of their head and then down their backs. They are known to be crepuscular (meaning that they are most active around dusk and dawn) and they love to leap short distances as well as scramble up tree trunks.
The crested gecko diorama includes the fully posable crested gecko model, as well as a log, small corner plant, and a small hawk moth model.
Madagascar Day Gecko (Phelsuma madagascariensis): The Madagascar day gecko is one of the largest living species of species of day geckos, typically measuring around eight to ten inches on average. Like many other species of gecko, they are arboreal (meaning that they prefer to live in trees) and they are natural climbers, native to the tropical African island of Madagascar. Their diets mainly consist of mushed fruits (such as cantaloupes, figs, and guavas) as well as arthropods (insects and arachnids). Lastly, some of their distinguishing physical features include their red markings and dark black eyes.
The Madagascar day gecko diorama contains the Madagascar day gecko model, a stick for it to rest on, a few nice rocks and bits of vegetation, as well as a little cricket figure.
Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius): Originating from the middle east, leopard geckos typically live in dry grasslands or deserts. They are popular pets throughout the world, known for their distinctive black spotted patterns, and unlike most other species of geckos they possess closeable eyelids. Like crested geckos they are also crepuscular and being insectivores some of their favorite snacks include waxworms, crickets, and small locusts.
The leopard gecko diorama includes the leopard gecko model, a rocky hiding place for it to sit in, a small water pool, and a worm model.

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