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Liberty of Mars - Red Planet Clash


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We got ourselves a Red planet to save!

It's a clash between the Human-Martian alliance and the Crystaliens in this Final installment of the Red Planet Saga!

The Story So Far
  • Prologue - Space Port: Back in 2000, A kid named BB would win a Competition and get to be trained to be an astronaut to go to Mars. Provided he'd go with someone to look over him.
  • Act 1 - Life on Mars: BB and his team would later arrive on Mars in 2001, albeit in a crash landing that leaves them encountering Martians. the crew was initially wary over the Martians at first, but they were rather friendly and willing to help repair their ship. After fending off a rival Martian faction that's been besieging them for resources and celebrating their victory over some BLTs and soccer, BB and his crew was able to leave Mars, but not before BB promising to return one day.
  • Act 2 - Mars Mission: This promise however got a bit iffy in the six year time gap. When earth was experiencing an energy and found crystals from mars as a sufficient sustainment, this felt like an opportunity to see the Martians again. but when they returned to the red planet, the Martians that helped them out didn't. instead, they came across these more aggressive crystalline extra terrestrials competing for the very crystals.

Now here's where i plug in this Third act. One of the Mars Mission astronauts, Supposedly BB, find a few of his old Martian buddies taking refuge. they explain that the Crystaliens were actually the rival Martians from six years ago who had developed their crystalline physique from seclusion and are have been planning to take Mars for themselves.

Why did you build this?
I built the sinister Crystalien craft to serve as a serious threat not just to the Astronauts, but the Martians from the past. as if they became a far bigger problem than they were back then. It also serves as an equal for the blue mech, The Martians' RP-Heavy Protector.

Why do you believe in this?
I believed I should learn from my few instances of earning the milestone of 100 supporters and deliver the best from them. Believe me, they were far from plentiful.

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