Product Idea |

Doctor Who - #3 & #11 Time Clash

What happens when two incarnations of the same Doctor possess a crystal from Metebelis 3? Cybermen, Daleks, & Spiders... oh my. I have made these minifigure scale creations over several years and now I think is the time to share them. There is a TARDIS for each Doctor, scale model of Bessie (Doctor's car from the original series), Cybermen, Daleks, Sarah Jane, Amy, and of course Doctors 3 & 11. Accessories include sonic screwdrivers and the Metebelis 3 crystal. The question is would you like this as a set?

Old and New TARDIS...something is amiss?!?!?

The Heroes... Doctor #3, Sarah Jane Smith, Amy Pond, Doctor #11

The Villains... The Black Dalek with soldier Daleks along with a Cyberleader and his lieutenants or should I say leftenants.

Doctor #3 & Sarah Jane driving Bessie (and the steering wheel is on the RIGHT side).

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