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Product Idea |

The Bear Cache




Protect your food! …or the bears will get it. A guaranteed way to protect your food “cache” is storing it up high in a Bear Cache. These are popular with homesteaders, off-grid ranchers and hunters to store food and their wild game meat. These caches should be built 100 meters from a campsite or homestead and preferably down-wind. You will find some very elaborate and some very rustic in areas like Alaska. Most of them were made of logs; which gives them the “log cabin look.” This set will be popular because it uses Lego pieces that can be easily used again in other creations. And yes, the bear is an official Lego piece #13866. The Bear Cache can be a great companion to Lego sets like The Lakeside Lodge #31048, Mountain Hut #31025, Robber’s Hideout #4438, and Forest Police Station #4440.

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