Product Idea |

Iconic Pump Jack


Iconic Pump Jack

The Inventor, Walter Trout an employee of Lufkn Foundry & Machine designed the iconic pump jack in 1952.

Hello my name is Morgan I am 14 years old and live in Alberta, Canada I live in oil counrty and dream of becoming an oil tycoon. So I decided to start by building a lego pump jack. 

       I decided to keep this build simple and functional. This build is coloured to match existing pump jacks. My build is extremely robust, it's tough, and fun to play with. It can be played with vigorasly and stays in tact with smooth operation. The spacing allows for a slight tap when the arm weights rotate they actually make a clunk clunk sound just like the real pump jacks you see. This build is scaled to match most existing lego sets for it's size to add to any existing build.

    FYI.  Pump jacks are also known as "grasshoppers, donkeys, or thirsty birds." Depending on specific design a pump jack produces 5-40 liters, or 1-9 U.S. gallons per stroke.

This build used a 20x40 stud base with a total of 325 pieces.

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