Seaside Aquarium
I visited an aquarium lately and thought: Hey, maybe lego could use an aquarium set? A new attraction in town has arrived, The Seaside Aquarium. Welcome to the lego aquarium where a lego family eagerly waits for the doors to open. As they walk through the doors they see a giant seahorse mosaic on the tiled floor. When you look on the left side you will see an alligator, flowers and a frog. Luckly, they feed the alligator well, so the iconic frog won't have anything to worry about. When you keep swimming and following the tanks you will see fish, turtles, pufferfish, coral, plants, a divers helmet, jellyfish, a trident and a sunken ships wheel. Watch out mom, a Giant Squid is trying to escape! Keep swimming and you will see a beautiful waterfall spilling into a pond with koi fish. You can stop and take a picture with a stained glass mermaid. We have a small seashore for the kids to get a close up look at turtles and crabs. It looks like the building on the outside has a leak from the air conditioner. How did that fish get there? The leak has created a wetland habitat. Towards the back of the building a group of curious cats have gathered to check out the fish, hopefully they don't find the front door. Also, on the back you can open a hidden panel to get a better look at the sunken treasure inside. Look out for the tricky shark, he likes to hide. Can you find him? While you are at it, you can look for the pineapple under the sea. Please help bring this aquarium to a city near you. I thought I could build something that people are familar with and enjoy. I built details and hidden spots to make the build more interesting. I thought a mosaic tiled floor would be unique and make it a more fun build. I know people like to vist aquariums, so now you can have one in your home to visit.