Product Idea |

The Tablet House

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The Tablet House is a wild idea I have had for the longest time.

It reflects a profession which has been largely forgotten by the community nowadays.

As part of the project, I wish the use this opportunity to convey my appreciation and respect for the unsung heroes who help us everyday when it comes to our health matters.

This is an overview of The Tablet House. It is comprised of two main sections.

This is the OTC - Over-The-Counter. It is the main point of contact between pharmacist and clients.

Let's have a close look at the OTC and the surrounding area:
The beauty about The Tablet House is, it encourages LEGO enthusiast to be playful and creative with the tablets and counter items. Lots of fun can be had decorating the counters and shelves.

This is second part of the project, which is also known as the "Compouding department.

This is where the magic happens. Pharmaceutical items which are not readily available can be conjured up by the Pharmacist. The mixing, the shaking and stirring of magic potions.

Cream, ointment and solution are amongst them.

I hope you enjoy project as much as I do.

Kindly click SUPPORT to The Tablet House too!!

Many thanks in advance and have fun building LEGO!

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