Product Idea |

LEGO Chess/Checkers Game Set

For the Chess and Checkers fans out there, or just for a collector maybe, is the LEGO Chess/Checkers Game Set. The model has a standard 8 X 8 checkered board (16 X 16 Studs) and the height of the board is 18 Studs tall. The board has two drawers to hold the Checkers pieces, and the board will regularly display the Chess pieces when the game is not in use. 


The Chess pieces include the following: White Pawn x 8, White Rook x 2, White Knight x 2, White Bishop x 2, White King x 1, White Queen x 1; Black Pawn x 8, Black Rook x 2, Black Knight x 2, Black Bishop x 2, Black King x 1, Black Queen x 1.

The Checkers pieces include the following: Red Checker x 12; Black Checker x 12

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