Help your fellow builder by leaving your feedback based on these three criteria:
- Originality: How original is this - never seen before?
- Building Techniques: How much skill do you think the creator of this MOC has, in terms of building technique?
- Details: Express how much you like the details of the build.
Your feedback is only shown to the creator as well as yourself. It is not available for other users to see. The creator won't see your user name.
We don't sell minifigures and builts about BTTF on Amazon, ebay and so on.
We know our copy on sale in some online shops, but it's NOT our products.
More detail is here.
My name is Masashi, a founder of Team BTTF. I'd like to thank you for visiting my page!
I'm a Huge fan of the "Back to the Future (BTTF)" series, I even remember it as the first movie I've ever seen, and I've been in love with the series ever since!
When I was a child I tried many times to build the DeLorean Time Machine, however, the project was a difficult one because I lacked some specific LEGO bricks and minifigures.
LEGO CUUSOO is where wishes come true. Also, I strongly believe quotes from BTTF.
"If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything."
"Your future is whatever you make it."
Now, my dream is to create a Back to the Future themed series through LEGO CUUSOO.
Please support and spread the word about my dream to make this a reality!
Masashi, Founder of Team BTTF
Build Instruction Movie Part 1
Build Instruction Movie Part 2
Build Instruction "LDD File Download"
Promotion Movie
Message from Founder of Team BTTF after LEGO Review Passed
All BTTF Product List
- Ultimate Collector's Series (UCS) DeLorean Time Machine
- Hill Valley Courthouse
- Biff Tannen's Ford
- Jules Verne Train
NEW - Doc Brown's GMC Value Van with small Delorean
NEW - Marty​'s Truck
NEW - Locomotive 131
NEW - Griff's Hover BMW
Marty and Doc, mini figures from BTTF 1-3
DeLorean Time Machine from BTTF 1
DeLorean Time Machine from BTTF 3
On sale in Japan - 13st Sep 2013
On sale globally - 1st Aug 2013
On sale at San Diego Comic Con - 17th Jul 2013
Interview with Team BTTF - 22th Feb 2013
LEGO Review Passed - 20th Dec 2012
Official Message from LEGO CUUSOO TEAM - 29th Apr 2012
10,000 Supporters - 29th Apr 2012
9,000 Supporters - 24th Apr 2012
8,000 Supporters - 8th Apr 2012
7,000 Supporters - 30th Mar 2012
6,000 Supporters - 13th Mar 2012
Official Message from LEGO CUUSOO TEAM - 5th Mar 2011
5,000 Supporters - 28th Feb 2012
4,000 Supporters - 16th Feb 2012
3,000 Supporters - 25th Jan 2012
2,000 Supporters - 17th Dec 2011
Official Message from LEGO CUUSOO TEAM - 29th Nov 2011
1,000 Supporters - 17th Nov 2011
500 Supporters - 19th Oct 2011
50 Supporters - 3th Oct 2011
0 Supporters - 1st Aug 2011
Nike Mag released 1500 pairs for auction on eBay - Sep 2011 announced
The DeLorean DMC-12 EV for sale by 2013 - Oct 2011 announced
Back to the Future Trilogy (30th Anniversary in 2015)
Back to the Future: The Ride (Only operating at Universal Studios Japan)
Samples built by Sakuretsu, Descriptions Edited by Brian Whitney
Michael J. Fox is my hero, and as such I'd like to donate ALL of the proceeds I earn from this project to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research.
I love their organization and support their cause!
Visit a facebook page "Team BTTF" to produce another BTTF products. Please join us!
初めて見た映画はBTTFで、私が小さい頃、レゴ ブリックを使い、何度もデロリアンを作りましたが、とても難しかったです。なぜなら、特殊なブリックやいろんな色のブリック、マーティやドクのミニフィグが必要で満足行くものが作れませんでした。
私の夢はBTTF をテーマした製品シリーズをLEGO CUUSOOを通じて商品化することです。
Mon nom est Masashi et je tiens a vous remercier de votre visite sur la page de mon projet!
Je suis un grand fan de la serie ≪ Retour vers le Futur ≫, c'est le tout premier film que j' ai vu et depuis lors je suis tombe amoureux de la serie !
Etant plus jeune j'ai souvent essaye de construire la Delorean, cependant ce projet etait difficile car il me manquait des pieces LEGO specifiques ainsi que des Minifigures.
LEGO CUUSOO est un endroit ou les reves deviennent realite. De meme, je crois sincerement dans cette citation tiree du film :
≪ Tu peux tout accomplir dans la vie si tu as le courage de le rever ≫
Mon reve aujourd'hui est de creer les Machines a voyager dans le temps de Retour vers le Futur au travers de LEGO CUUSOO.
Ce MOC et les Minifigures qui l' accompagnent ne sont qu' un exemple de mes idees.
S' il vous plait, apportez-moi votre soutient et parlez-en autour de vous afin de realiser ce reve !