Product Idea |

The Green Meadow Inn

Hello, fellow builder! This is a project that I've been building on and off for probably over a month. I hope you like it!

The Story of the Green Meadow Inn:

Long, long ago in a place where peace was valued above all else, there stood an Inn in a charming green meadow. It was an old building, nearly 100 years old at the time, but well maintained by Herald, his wife Ella, and their son Bard. The house was constructed with a roughly hewn stone foundation, large oak timbers, and the best plaster. The house was past down to Herald by his father and his father before him, and had always served as a resting place for weary travelers and those without shelter for the night. As long as the visitors didn't break the rules of the house they were all welcome. There wasn't a visitor that didn't leave that house without a full stomach and a warm, well rested body, before continuing on their journey.

This was a very satisfying build. Its probably my largest physical model I've ever made (as far as piece count), and it took a lot of time to build too! I'll go over some of its features that I think you'll like.

Fist of all, this model is very modular. The first floor can be removed from the foundation, which is hollow, and the loft can be removed also. Inside the Inn, you'll find an enormous fire place and hearth, tables where food is served by the hosts, a grandfather clock, and a book shelf full of old stories. Up in the loft, you'll find another smaller fireplace to keep the guests warm. Most importantly, there are four beds to sleep in, all of which, are covered with quilts that Ella knitted herself. Additionally, the roof panels can be taken off for more easy accessibility to the interior.

Heading outside, one of the most notable things would be the boulders outside the door, which look like they're just laying there. This was achieved by using ball joint pieces. I made the waterfall and the foaming pool to add more interest to the model and I'm happy with how they turned out. I couldn't help but make trees, and I tried to make them interesting and detailed. Lastly, on the chimney side of the inn, I built a little well with a bucket to draw the water, but its just for display.

Thank you for reading! I'll see you next time!

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