Product Idea |

The Dark Crystal - Skeksis

The Premise.

The Dark Crystal was a dark fantasy movie released in 1982, directed by Jim Henson and Frank Oz, most famous for creating the Muppets.
The film is a beautiful masterpiece, full of wonderful puppets and marionettes. The story revolves around two hero Gelflings on a quest to restore balance to the world of Thra, by healing the powerful Dark Crystal, held by the evil Skeksis who rule the planet from their intimidating castle fortress. The most prominent Skeksis in the story is Skeksil the Chamberlain, who is both cunning yet cowardly and is the featured Skeksis in this build.

Why I built it.

I build a lot of nostalgic characters from my childhood and I absolutely loved the Dark Crystal growing up. It has become a classic over the years and much loved by young and old audiences which is perfect for a Lego license. I always found the Skeksis both terrifying yet compelling as characters and I thought creating something twisted and organic would be a real challenge for my Lego skills.


I wanted to create a character that would be possible. So the head, neck and arms are fully possible using ball joints. I used SNOT techniques on the body, and made it so the costume had some flow and movement. Like most of my builds I try to show as few exposed studs as possible.

There is a total of 2424 brick elements in this build

I hope you like what I’ve done. Please show your support it is much appreciated!

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