Product Idea |

City Sports Centre - Modular Courts


Hello everybody,

I really wanted to show to the Lego Ideas' community one project that has been on my mind for a few years: the City Sports Centre!

The City Sports Centre contains 6 different courts for the following sports:

- Tennis;

- Basketball;

- Handball;

- Volleyball;

- Hockey (Roller Skating);

- Artistic gymnastics (this court contains 6 sub-courts for parallel bars, horizontal bar, vaulting table, floor exercises, still rings and pommel horse - for male competitions; in female competions, the pommel horse is substituted by the balance beam and parallel bars are substituted by uneven bars; there are no rings nor horizontal bar).

If you browse all the pictures, you will see the different courts. The idea is to have them constructed in a modular way so that you can easily interchange them and have a different sporting event happening in your city every day or, at least, every weekend. The courts are not at minifigure scale (they simply could not be, otherwise the tennis court, for instance, would have to be approximately 100 studs long) but they are at (approximate) scale between them. Besides, they are perfectly centered to the stands so that if you draw two central perpendicular lines, they pass exactly at the middle of the central seats of each stand. 

The 4 stands comprise seats for 253 spectators and, below each stand, there is a commercial area or an area of support. Looking to the main picture, below the lower-right stand there is a shop for sports equipment and a ticket office; below the lower-left one, a fancy shop; below the top-left one, it is the club restaurant - reserved for the members of the club - with a swimming pool and tables around it; finally, below the top-right one - the one that possesses a tribune for the media - are the locker rooms for players.

The City Sports Centre contains 4 main entrances; 3 for spectators and 1 for players. In all of them, there are statues representing minifigures playing different sports. And if you browse the last picture, you will see the Sports Centre and its surroundings; there, you can find the other courts - as if they were the training courts around the central one -, two awesome trams and trams stops from the beautiful 8804 set, and 3 other sets that I am presently proposing at Lego Ideas: - Town Futuristic Glass Bridge - Classic Town Bridge - Town Water Pumping and Elevation Station

Of course, these extras do not make part of this proposed set; they serve only to show that the City Sports Centre is served by a modern public transportation and that it can be nicely integrated in the city. These surroundings are not very detailed because with so many pieces in the scenario, my computer started running slowly.

By the way, the proposed set (in the main picture, the 4 stands, the tennis court with 10 minifigures and everything inside the tan wall with the black fences (including all these)) count 3328 pieces! The piececount for the other courts is (minifigures included); basketball: 521 pcs; handball: 501 pcs; volleyball: 301 pcs; hochey (roller skating): 770 pieces; gymnastics: 405 pcs. Total for these 5 courts: 2498 pcs; Grand total: 5826 pcs. But there is still place for piece count optimization, especially in the courts!

I think the City Sports Centre would be a nice addition to any city. Hope you find it interesting too, and consider supporting it (lots of good projects that I have supported expired with more than 5K supporters). Please consider also sharing this project among your lego friends, lego club or social networks.

Thank you for your time


PS - Just for information, the set was constructed using "LDD 4.3". Ray-traced images were produced using "LDD to POV-Ray Converter", version and "POV-Ray v3.7".

PPS - I am thinking in converting the floor of some of the courts to tiles; I will try to show this in future updates.

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