Product Idea |

AT-TR , All Terrain-Terrestrial Runner


Hi to all the awepic creators here :) 

My name...well username is Deathwatch000 and I'm the "new guy" :P I joined a few month ago but never managed to upload any of my ideas.So here I am ;) 

This is my design for the AT-TR=All Terrain-Terrestrial Runner.

It's a quick and elegant vehicle used for transport and swift battlefield takeover.Similar to the AT-RT in many ways...BUT BETTER ;) The AT-TR can manage a speed from 100 km/h to an astonishing 150 km/h. Making it one of the fastest legged vehicles known.                                                                            

There is space to fit one person, the food supply in it can restore you for 3 days,it's powered by long last batteries and has a reserve electronic light charge function. The weaponry is simple but effective,it's a front repeating blaster cannon.

Although this vehicle is being controlled by Star Wars character it doesn't have to bee Star Wars themed (they were the only figs I had :P) 

So yeah,that would be it for the first time :)

I hope you enjoyed and I hope you like it and support it,tnx for everything and cya next time,until then-FOR MANDALORE!!!!!!! ;) (That's my signature :)

If you want to find more of my creations,Mocs,contests,RP and a ton of other cool stuff on a daily basis just go here : 

Cya there,bai   :)


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