Product Idea |

The Dark Crystal


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Based on the Jim Henson's 1982 Cult Classic Film. The Dark Crystal brings the world of Thra alive with LEGO.

Join Jen, Kira and Fizzgig on their journey to heal The Great Crystal and restore balance to Thra 
using approximately 1100 LEGO Pieces.

Based on the original film, this project includes 3 vignettes including the Dark Crystal itself, Aughra's Orrery and a rocky exterior scene from the film.

Characters Included:
  • Jen (Minifig)
  • Kira (Minifig)
  • Fizzgig
  • Chamblerlain Skeksis (Brick Built)
  • Mystic (Brick Built)
  • Aughra (Minifig)
  • Landstrider (Brick Built)
  • Garthim (Brick Built)

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