Product Idea |

SIFO (Suficently Identified Flying Object)

This is a continuation of three other submissions.
Jimi was abducted.
Then he was released. But got abducted again
After two years of imprisonment in the planet Doughkarr, Jimi managed to escape.
And that's the last we saw of Jimi.

In Bolle-By (capital city of Doughkharr) the biggest shipyard of the side of the galaxy can be found. Jimi arrived there with the intention of stealing an IFO (Identified Flying Object), but got something even better... THE SIFO: SUFFICENTLY IDENTIFIED OBJECT.
The difference between a IFO and a SIFO is that the IFO can be totally indentified while the SIFO can be identified as a SIFO, but cannot be fully pointed out WHICH kind of SIFO it is. If you see it you can say "Hey! It's a SIFO!", and they may ask "Which SIFO?", to which you respond by saying "idunno". Jimi stole the SIFO and started his way back home. Only the alien who abducted him in the first place has other plans...
I have built this set to continue the (not so) epic saga of JIMI THE EARTHILING and have some fun with his story. I hope this new instalment is of pleasure to its' grand total of one and a half followers.
As always I have built a set that I would keep in my bedroom, which is my only criterium I have to tell if I like a set or not. I hope you like it, hav det godt.

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