Product Idea |

Vintage Train Exhibit

All aboard!

The most thrilling train exhibit has just pulled into town. Come and visit the scenery at the town center and step onto the newly opened train exhibit! Grab some pictures and make some memories as you explore the old timey dining cabin of a once illustrious steam train.

I love trains and am a sore loser over not picking up the Emerald Night set when I had the chance. So what better way to celebrate a beautiful steam train than to make a train exhibit? Perfect for any Lego city, this set would make a fine addition to your collection.

  • A fine-dining car that sits at the end of the train.
  • A beautifully landscaped exhibit area.
  • A wheelchair accessible ramp along with steps up to the train car entrance.
  • Set comes with 4 minifigures: A train exhibit staffer and a visiting family of three.
  • Tracks are raised by one plate in elevation.
  • Can be compatible with city builds. Uses two 32x32 baseplates.

Getting this set to have maximum compatibility with existing city train layouts was exceedingly difficult as there is no way to tell how everyone is going to lay the track on the baseplate, although I was fairly sure the most common strategy is to raise it by one plate to allow the use of curved track on baseplates as well.

If you love steam trains, be sure to support this project and tell all your friends :)

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