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Zoo Collection 2




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Hi this is the new amazing project : the Zoo Collection 2. Following the Zoo Collection, I decided to create another serie with the Zoo subject.This set contains a total of five small lego parts as well as one big base, which you can split into two small bases. With all the small zoo parts, you can assemble them two by two, in order to put the two parts on the big lego base : that's the idea of this project. You can then switch them in different bases. The goal of this project is to create design collection bases. If you are at least 1000 supporters, I will create some other parts, in order to complete the animal collection!

You can find there some examples of presentations!

The five animals parts are:

  • The polar Bear, part 1 with the animal
  • The polar Bear, part 2 with the tourist
  • The Ostrich, part 1 with the animal
  • The Ostrich, part 2 with the tourist
  • The Wolf, part with the animal
  • (The Crocodile part, but isn't in this project)

You can find here the idea of my project.



Please support my other projects like the Zoo Collection and the Fossil Museum.



Please support my other projects like the Zoo Collection and the Fossil Museum.

Please show your support and share the project with your friends and family! If you like this, please support this project!



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