Product Idea |

The Palace Lantern


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This is a model of a traditional Chinese palace lantern placed on its supporting part, just like one displayed in a museum. The lantern is designed according to the style of the Qing Dynasty, which can be seen from the slightly nomadic pearl beadings and the relatively simple decorative patterns (the stickers). The LEGO reddish brown is super similar to the colour of the red sandalwood, of which the original lantern frames are always made. Specific parts glow in the dark, just like how the real lantern luminates when a candle is lit inside.

I was once amazed and fascinated by the similarity between LEGO works and oriental traditional carpentry (from furniture to architecture), as they both make constructions by putting studs into holes. That inspired me to rebuild some of the relics around myself. It is a good idea to rebuild some items with special cultural significance to share one's culture and story through LEGO and LEGO Ideas. And I suppose that relics and museums can be a part of the idea to rebuild the world. I wish that more people are willing to share their own cultural memory and more relics and heritages can be known and remembered in the LEGO world.

Just comment below if you have any questions.😄

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