Product Idea |

Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo

This is Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo. It is seen in episode 15, Pirates Vs. Ninja. This set inlcudes Dareth's trophy shelf, three punching bags, balance columns, a table with boards, and an office for Dareth. The minifigures included would be Dareth, Phil, Jeffy, small Lloyd ZX, all 4 Evil Ninjas, and Sensei Wu. Decals and stickers could be added to make make it look more like the dojo.

Start Date: 8/6/2012
50 Support: 5/30/2013

The trophy shelves and side door to Dareth's office (with the dangling bead strings).

Dareth's office, with a desk, chair, computer, and award on the wall.

The table with board (middle), balance columns (right), and punching bags (far wall).

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