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A Tower in the Middle of Hanoi

"In 1886, while Vietnam was occupied by the French, a musician who was secretly working for the French, received permission from the government to build a tower in the middle of Hoan Kiem Lake in honor of Lê Lợi, one of the most famous figures of Vietnamese history and one of its greatest heroes. Legends surrounding his life involving the sword, Thuan Thien and Hoan Kiem turtle are associated with Hoan Kiem Lake and the island." -Wikipedia-
And that is Turtle Tower or in Vietnam we call it Tháp Rùa. Turtle Tower is in the middle of Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, so it means a lot to us. I'm Vietnamese so I think this is a great way to show the world some historical heritages of Vietnam.
About this LEGO building, it has 404 parts and is made with 2 different floors, and the third floor is attached to the second floor. To make the time-damaged texture on the wall, I use dark tan, dark bluish gray, light gray, and very light gray colors. With this scale, it's really hard to make the exact "doors" so I decided to use some windows with rounded top. Inside the tower, there is an altar that uses 2 clip pieces and a bar to represent it. Because each upper floor is smaller than the one under it, that's why I couldn't make the sun on the top. However, I tried to make the tower as accurate as the real one so I hope you guys like it and if you can visit Vietnam to see the actual tower, that would be great!

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