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“Ur-Leica”, also known as the “Original Leica,” is a prototype that came to revolutionize the landscape of cameras. Because I’m interested in LEGO, photography and amazed by advanced historical engineering, I set out on a mission to frame this timeless camera in LEGO.
This product proposal captures the general aesthetic and feeling of the camera. The shutter-release button is tactile, the decorated elements are accurate and LEGO-themed, the weight is modified with a 2x6x2 weight brick… It’s a lot - this lilliput camera is filled with features!
The updated version features a polished camera and a redesigned display stand. You can now choose to show off the camera on a red carpet finish or on a tan wooden finish. Check out the new introduction video to see what this awesome product proposal has to offer!
I think this would make a great set for any camera or gadget enthusiast, and fan of Leica or LEGO. Both companies have - with the attitude that good is not good enough - managed to produce products that changed entire markets and inspire countless minds across generations.
“Project Red Stud” -a project about promoting a LEGO Leica product proposal to the IDEAS review - started with this post. Feel free to write a comment and/or leave some feedback. I thank you for your attention and support. Have a creative day!
“Piece out,”
Pandis Pandus