Product Idea |

Land Rover Trophy

UPDATE 11/28/2013
I have added a new screenshot from LDD below.

The first time I ever drove in an off-road vehicle was as a child in the national park Doñana in Spain. It was a Land Rover Series III, and ever since I have been fascinated with this model range.

I was convinced that once I become a grown-up, I would drive a Land Rover and take part in rally events and great adventures in the amazon and in remote deserts. While it didn't turn out to be quite like that, at least here it is: one of my childhood dreams in Lego form!

My Land Rover is supposed to represent the design of the classic Land Rover series in general, rather than a particular model. But I think that it most closely resembles the Series II and the Series III.

I would have liked to include standard doors, but unfortunately these parts were not available in tan, when I built the model. I have now found and ordered those doors a couple of days ago... Yay!

For the windscreen it could be a nice option to use a 2x6x2 train windscreen, which almost looks as if it was made for a Land Rover. It is currently not available in white, but it seems like there will be one in a 2014 police set.

Below is an according screenshot from LDD, and I will add a new photo once I actually get ahold of these parts.

Many thanks to my room mate Toni for helping out with taking the photos! Further, I want to add that the project has also been inspired by Lego #4637, a very nice, simplistic set for smaller children.

This Land Rover was my first project for Cuusoo, but be sure to have a look at my new Chaparral 2J as well!

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