Product Idea |


Based on my previous submission ("DNA double helix" and "DNA quad helix"), this is natural progression to an octagonal helix form. There are 28 levels in this tower which gives 252-degree revolution of the 8 helixes. It uses the bar frame octagonal and clip tile pieces for the central column.

I built and rendered this model using the BrickLink Studio software - using transparent blue round bricks for a cool visual affect. The oct helix is a unique design which no-one has done before in Lego (as far as I know).

This would make a great Lego model because: its fun and very challenging to assemble; the oct helix is a very sturdy construction (compared to the double helix); its a very attractive form and makes a great decorative piece; it would look great on a rotating or illuminated base; its perfect for anyone interested in helixes or the structure of DNA.

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