Product Idea |

Pixar Soul

"What can I say? Earth is boring" 22.
Soul is one of the most wonderful Pixar movies both in terms of its beauty and its message about life.
This film inspired me a lot and that's why I wanted to transcribe it into a LEGO model.
I wanted to represent both sides, of life and of souls: on one side, Joe Gardner plays the piano because music (and more precisely jazz) is what he lives for, on the other side, the souls, watched by Jerry, continue to search for their personality, including 22 for whom this is more complicated! 

This model includes:
*The main model with Joe Gardner's living room and piano + The soul world with the different pavilions.
*The hole to the Earth, through which the souls, who have filled their macaroon, jump.
*The cardboard box with the sign “Just a Box”.
The whole model contains 473 parts and measure 8.4” x 7.5” x 10.8”. 
I hope you love this idea as much as I enjoyed creating it!

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