Product Idea |

Rialto Bridge in Venice

Welcome in Venezia
  • My idea want to replicate the most famous bridge in Venice (italy) The Rialto bridge. It is built in 1588 by the engineer Antonio da Ponte and ended in 1592. His project was chosen because it solves the problem to transport goods under the bridge with big ship, he projects one big span of 28 meter and 7,5 m of height. This bridge connects the two sides of Canal Grande of Venice for more than four centuries.
The Idea:
  • I decide to develop a monument of my country, it could be a mix between an architecure model and a creator model. It is an iconic monument of Venice.
The model info:
  • The model is scaled 1 to 100 to real measure. The span of bridge measure are 28 stud (cm) as the real one. There are twentyfour commercial shop and boutique, all windows and doors are openable and you can see through. I propose a mix between two different type of lego, the first one an architecture model where you can appreciate the structure of the bridge, the second one as a creator model where there are scenes of the daily life in Venice. One gondola and its Gondoliere are surfing the canal. The scale of microfigure shows us how big is the Rialto Bridge.
  • Dimension : 50 cm x 40 cm x 24 cm
  • Microfigure: 1 gondola 9 microfigure
  • Bottega: 24 commercial shops
  • The arches of shop are different between internal and external two different tecniques
  • I put some details, zooming in different point of build to show some techniques that I used
  • The idea is speriment some different technique and mix together. The arch has been the most challenging part of my model and the result in my opinion is awesome.
Thank you very much for your attention!

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