Product Idea |

Thunderbird 4



This is a build that is loosely based on the 2015 TV series "Thunderbirds Are Go".

While planning for this build my primary goal was to emulate the ejecting rescue pods that were shown in the series. My planning was done around it and consequently it dictated the vehicles proportion and functionality, it also made said vehicle slightly larger. though my guesstimate is not by much when compared to the 2015 vehicle. I also tried to streamline it based on the following design constraints: 1) Available Lego brick parts. 2) Fulfilling the functionality requirements based on the 2015 Thunderbird 4 vehicle. which is why it ended up pretty different from the 2015 version.

Features of this vehicle:

1) opening top and bottom cockpit (seat is attached to the bottom cockpit).

2) opening cargo top with skylight.

3) opening rear cargo doors, separate doors for rescue pods.

4) detachable cockpit.

5) detachable side floats/ propeller tube.

6) detachable telescopic arms.

7) pivoting rack for rescue pods.

8) yellow cone propeller at the back rotates.

Side notes:

All tiles colored blue bricks were supposed to be trans blue and all white bricks were supposed to be trans clear. Had to replace to make the rendering via POV-ray quicker.

This is my fifth build, and hopefully more to come, if you like this model please do share and support this build through your friends and your social network.

Your opinions, suggestions and comments are most welcome.

Thank You and

Happy Building :)



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