Product Idea |

The Dwarves of Eagle Pass

Relive the glory days of the Dwarves of Eagle Pass! Deep in the mountains lies their kingdom, sitting higher than an eagle's nest! Forge your warriors more weapons at the mountain forge, admire your kingdom from your crystal throne, mine the mountain deep below, for gold and crystals and what fate has in store, take rest in the king's chambers, or stay up counting your treasure in the storeroom, lastly keep a keen eye out for trespassers in your handy mountain outpost. The adventure is endless!

This Set was designed as the biggest set I have made, to honor the glory days of the dwarves. Included in the set were characteristics commonly known about dwarves, their love of mining gold, their forges, and the mountains they often reside in. In every part of the set, I tried to convey the wealth and proudness they have for being who they are. I hope you enjoy this set as much as I did making it!

Set Features:
6 Minifigures- 1 king, 1 blacksmith, 2 miners, and 2 guards.
2 Eagle Pass Statues
1 Crystal Throne
2 Mountain outpost
1 gold mine
1 crystal mine
1 storeroom
1 king's chambers
1 Forge
1 minecart with track
Treasure pieces

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