Product Idea |

"Great Inventions" Thomas Alva Edison - Electric lamp

Hello everyone,

I wanted to create a new category called " Great Inventions"
Basicly a set based on the most know inventions and their inventors.
In all box should be also a booklet about the so called inventions with photos and background information for education,
As a second idea it would be useful to take the birthdate or the patent number for the set number

Here i show you my idea of Thomas Alva Edisons electric lamp:

In 1878, Edison began working on a system of electrical illumination, something he hoped could compete with gas and oil-based lighting.He began by tackling the problem of creating a long-lasting incandescent lamp, something that would be needed for indoor use. Many earlier inventors had previously devised incandescent lamps, including Alessandro Volta's demonstration of a glowing wire in 1800 and inventions by Henry Woodward and Mathew Evans. Others who developed early and commercially impractical incandescent electric lamps included Humphry Davy, James Bowman Lindsay, Moses G. Farmer, William E. Sawyer, Joseph Swan, and Heinrich Göbel. Some of these early bulbs had such flaws as an extremely short life, high expense to produce, and high electric current drawn, making them difficult to apply on a large scale commercially.:217–218 Edison realized that in order to keep the thickness of the copper wire needed to connect electric lights economically manageable he would have to develop a lamp that would draw a low amount of current. This meant the lamp would have to have a high resistance.

After many experiments, first with carbon filaments and then with platinum and other metals, Edison returned to a carbon filament. The first successful test was on October 22, 1879 it lasted 13.5 hours.[53] Edison continued to improve this design and on November 4, 1879, filed for U.S. patent 223,898 (granted on January 27, 1880) for an electric lamp using "a carbon filament or strip coiled and connected to platina contact wires".[54] This was the first commercially practical incandescent light.

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