I regret to inform you that I won't support this project anymore. The supporter numbers have dwindled over the last few months and another similar project by TopLego8 and MinibrickMinifigs has taken the lead by a mile. Thanks to my mental health I simply neither can nor want to compete.
Lego Gravity Falls still has a future, just not with me. Go support TopLego8 and MinibrickMinifigs and make our dream of a Lego Gravity Falls set real.
Thank you for the support and kind comments, this project and the supporters have made me really happy. Thank you.
Goodbye and see you in Gravity Falls.
Underground structure
"Even your uncle Stan doesn't know about this place!"
Introducing the underground section of the shack to the project! This took me a while to make but now it's ready. I've added four rooms in three floors under the shack. The rooms are the elevator enterance, Stanford's secret study, the underground lab and the portal room.
The portal
Every day it's getting stronger...
Introducing the interdimensional portal to the project. The triangular shape was really tricky but I think I figured it out well enough. I even created a new variant of Stanford to go with the build.
I'm planning on building the full basement area in the future.
Thank you for 1k!
Thank you for the support and comments. See you in Gravity Falls!
Antagonists afoot!
Introducing Pacifica Northwest, Gideon Gleeful and Robbie Valentino to the project.
Bill Cipher!
"Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold bye!"
This one was though. Creating a Lego form for such an oddly shaped character was a real challenge, but I think I did fine. I might update the design in the future.
"Grunkle Stan, are you wearing a blindfold?"
Introducing Stanleys 1965 El Diablo convertible sedan to the Mystery Shack Project! The model is based on the car seen in the show and doesn't have realistic proportions to the actual car.
More images!
I have added an seperate image for the minifigures and pictures describing every rooms location in the shack. Tell your wishes for future additions in the comments.Thanks for your support so far and see you in Gravity Falls!